Writing has always been something near and dear to my heart. I have written a lot throughout my life. Writing has been something that I have used throughout so much of my life to express myself. I used to write stories when I was in middle school-early high school and I got back into creative writing in the previous year and it has been so great. When it came to assignments related to writing, I would always be super excited. I still get excited with writing assignments. Most of my writing involves some facet of romantic bonds, platonic bonds, and facing some form of tragedy. The reason for this is that as a writer, I try to evoke some sort of feeling in relation to the interactions between people that appear in the stories. Whether it is to show the strength of two people in love or two people who are like family to each other. I do think that while other aspects of the story are important, my main focus is on the bonds between people. A majority of my writing is fiction with slight dabblings into non-fiction or more real-to-life fiction.
I am very new to writing in digital media. But in getting used to the new medium, I have continued using the themes that I frequently used in other stories. Digital media has given me a way to do more detailed decisions in presenting the story in certain ways that I was not able to do before. Such as using specific text colors for when a character is talking for a very deliberate reason to show the relationship between two characters in my Twine story or being able to give readers the choice of how they want to see the story end. Some aspects of writing in digital media (such as understanding different methods of changing font properly and having it function correctly) have been kind of difficult but working with digital media has gotten progressively easier and I feel better equipped to do it again in the future.
I have made an ebook filled with poems and three stories. My poems are a variety of things: a dramatic telling of what washing dishes are like, being friends with someone that is a “star” and how it is not necessarily super healthy, a small story about a misunderstanding, a story about a one-sided disagreement in friendships, and a story about family interactions with a side of fantasy. The writing is presented with an ability to pick whichever one you want to read by clicking on the table of contents.
Where digital media challenged me a bit was with creating a Twine story. I wrote “Remember and Do Not Forget” using Twine and it was something new. In using this medium, I have been able to change my writing in some ways. I used specific text colors to introduce specific aspects of the ties between certain characters. I changed fonts to be able to transition parts of the story as well. Mostly, this story is a focus on love, loss, and acceptance or rejection of loss (depending on the ending that someone chooses).
Download my ebook:Thousands of Words: A Collection of Short Stories and Poems
Read my Twine story:Remember and Do Not Forget